Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Research of CD covers

Before we actually start to make a CD cover of our own, we did some research on similar artists to our own. Because of the RnB/ pop type of genre we have, we decided to keep the CD cover really simple but effective, along with keeping the cover associated with the genre and style of music.
Here are some examples of similar genre type of album covers:

As you can see this CD cover of Neyo is a very simple cover with not too much background reflective how neat he is. Also the clothes he is wearing is very smart and classy, again symbolising his wealth. the suit he is wearing shows that he is a very flashy man as it is shiny and plain which is associated with wealth and power. You can see that he also has a fresh haircut and clean shave, that reflects  how neat he is. the backgrond is simple and we can just barely see a curtain and window. again this might symbolise that he is an entertainer with the curtains showing him as if he is in a theatre.

This is the album cover of Chris Brown who is a very similar artist to ours. You can see that here, he is portrayed as a very cool guy, for example, wearing the long necklace along with the flashy belt thus reflecting the RnB culture. Also the font of the text is very funky thus reflecing the individual himself aslo the colour of his costume being white and standing out from the black background emphasing his unique style of songs. we have chosen this particular cover as we can relate to our own  by taking ideas from covers like this.

This is also a very simple CD cover of artist Enrique Iglesias. In this cover, the only two things that are there are the artist himself in very trendy smart casual costume and the location which seems like a beach thus the beach emphasising a romantic setting. Just by looking at this, the audience can tell that his type of songs will be mainly about love and falls under the pop genre.


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