Monday 13 December 2010

Shooting day 10th december

Both me and my partner went out that day to continue shooting our video. We decided to do the beginning of the scene which was supposed to take place at southend seaside as it was not possible to go there due to not having sufficient time as we both have weekend jobs and it becoming dark if we leave after college.  To overcome this problem, we thought it would be best if we did the same seaside scene but near the river after playing about with the storyboard. Overall our shoot went moderately well and we think that we done sufficient shooting as we done everything according to our plan.
However whilst shooting, we did come across some problems. The first problem we realised was that the time was around 4pm, and we no that it would be completely dark in the next half hour or so, therefore we needed to come up with a solution. We then decided to first complete the river scene then as it gets dark, move to another scene which was scheduled to be filmed in a situation regardless of it being night or day.
Another problem was that we did not have the correct lighting with us in order to film in the dark, therefore we had to shoot one scene more closer to a street light in order to have our desired effect.


Friday 10 December 2010

basic plot

lonely guy he has broken up with his girlfriend, because he was unreliable, unemployed, etc. He is lonely and depressed at the start of the video, then he gets a good job, quits smoking, drinking and gambling and becomes a "better man".

lonely shots:
walking along riverside
sitting at the park and staring at couples (couples consent would be needed if we record them)

Friday 3 December 2010

music video snippet - draft

This is a one of our music video snippet. This is a just a small clip of our music video how ever we are not sure if we  will use that particular clip. After this attempt of this scene, we have learnt that we need to keep the camera more still as it will make it look better and easier to understand. We have learnt that the whole of the feet should be included for a longer period of time inside the framing of the shot to create more simplicity. Just by looking and analysing this snippet, we will bare in mind the alterations we need to make when we come to shoott it again but this time with the ajdusments made.     

Practice footage (preliminary exercise)

This is our prelminary work that we did for our music we have used a variety of different shots to our advantage such as extreme close ups and point of view shots. we had also used a variety of diffrent angles of shots on the scene to add more vision and to make it more exciting and attractive